Monday, March 4, 2013

"I can do BOTH mommy!"

"Gymnastics taught me everything - life lessons, responsibility, discipline and respect"
- Shawn Johnson

Since we weren't busy enough, J and I thought it would be a great idea to let Ry do what she has been asking to do for weeks now.  Ballet and Gymnastics.  Our little gymnast had her trial class last week and loved it.  She even informed us that you dont wear tutus in gymnastics (that's just for ballet).  She did pretty well and her instructor said she would even be able to participate in GymFest (April 2013).  This is a video of her first attempt at the balance beam.  I was a little suprised that they had the kids doing the balance beam, flips, handstands and cart wheels.  Made my heart skip a beat (or two) but she enjoyed it, the instructors were amazing, and there is padding everywhere


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Where does the day go?

These past few weeks have been crazy! Angel had a cheerleading every Saturday and cheered the Central Saints JV team to a Super Bowl victory.  Rylee had, what we hope, was her last visit to the Pulmonary Specialist. Jason had softball every Monday, and me....I played taxi.  So many updates with no time to post.  Hopefully this weekend I will be able to post pictures and updates on all of our adventures before our next big adventure....a white Thanksgiving in Longmont, Colorado.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My daughter...the ballerina

September 5th, 2012

A day that will live in infamy. The day my daughter became....

A Ballerina

Rylee was, to say the least, excited for class.  She talked about showing the teacher her pointed toes and how effortlessly she twirls.  Not to mention all the new friends she was going to make.  I thought this child was going to explode.  Not only was today the first dance class of the season, it was the first rain of the season.  So, lucky for Rylee, we left early and got to The Dance Academy around 6pm.  Just in time to check in, fill out insurance forms and put on her dance shoes.  After a quick parent "newbie" meeting Rylee was introduced to Instuctor Ginger.  She will be Rylee's dance instructor for the season.  After a little chaos they take the kids (8 girls and 3 boys) into Studio 3. The "newbies" are told that they have open rehersals once a month.  Wait...I'm supposed to be taking pictures and video of Rylee in her first class.  How can I do this with the blinds drawn?  Luckily, Rylee posts herself at the star closest to the door so I tried to get some decent pictures.  The kids jump and sing, play follow the leader and even have to escape "lava".  All while giggling and dancing for 45 minutes.  Ry runs out screaming "I had so much fun!" thanks her instructor such a polite child and we head home while Ry asks if we could come back tomorrow. little ballerina.

Side note: I had my first experience with a "Dance Mom."  I guess at The Dance Academy they have "advanced" levels of predance.  who knows One mom was making it known to all us newbs that her daughter is supposed to be on the Monday night class, not the Wednesday night class.  Ummmm...okay.

It's one thing to be proud of your child and the talent they show, but to vocally brag and explain that the instructors wanted her in a completely different class is different.  You just look retarded for showing up the wrong day to the wrong class. 

Stay tuned...more pictures to follow

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Growing up too quick

Three...I have a three year old!?! With Rylee's Drive In themed birthday behind us, I can focus on the next task on hand. Pictures. No matter how hard I try, it seems her birthday comes and goes and its the holidays before I can capture the wonderful personality of my three year old. So this year, I am grouping the girls' holiday pictures with her birthday pictures. (That way I am not late with at least one set of pictures).  Hopefully I'm a little more on top of things when we start preschool. 
Oh Miss Rylee.  Where do you get this from?

With the help of my mom I survived an eternity two hours inside Old Navy.  I love that store.  Not just for me, but for my independent, fashion forward toddler.  We walked in the store and after a few minutes of the clerks googling over Ry's hair, asking where her hair color comes from, Rylee bee-lines to the back where she immediately shows us the pretty pink tutu dresses Old Navy cleverly has front and center.  We browse the racks and somehow manage to leave the tutu's on the shelf.  My Guardian Angel of a Mother and I head to dressing room with a very excited toddler in tow.  With every outfit we try on, my mother laughs "Wonder where she gets that from." she teases.  Yes, yes...I admit...I was a ham growing up.  We manage to walk out of the store with cute little outfits fit for their photo shoot.  Only one more step to be completely ready for their holiday pictures... with a tween! 
Please pray for my sanity

Sunday, August 19, 2012

20 Questions by Rylee Hannan

As some of you may know, I am just a little addicted to Pinterest.  Hey, the first step is admitting it right?  While pinning all the receipes I'll never try and the clothes I'll never wear, I found something that is actually useful. I traced this wonderful idea back to Nicole's blog Reaves, Party of Four.  She is selling an amazing 20 Questions scrapbook on her Etsy shop.  Being the crafty person I think I am, I decided to try my hand at it.  Now the questions below are from Nicole, I take no credit.  I will be thinking of my own questions over the next few months to put a little Hannan twist on it.  If you have any ideas, let me know!  I plan on doing this until Rylee graduates from college.  Well...maybe

20 Questions
By Rylee Hannan
age 3

1.    What is your favorite color?  purple
2.    What is your favorite toy?  the turtle from Gigi
3.    What is your favorite fruit? strawberries
4.    What is your favorite tv show? Dora!!
5.    What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? hot dogs
6.    What is your favorite outfit?  my tutu and dance shirt
7.    What is your favorite game? duck duck goose!
8.    What is your favorite snack? cheese
9.    What is your favorite animal?  a sea turtle
10.  What is your favorite song? ABCs
11.  What is your favorite book?  the Bear Hunt book Theresa reads
12.  Who is your best friend? Maddie
13.  What is your favorite cereal? mike and chocolate crispies
14.  What is your favorite thing to do outside? draw with chalk
15.  What is your favorite drink? apple juice
16.  What is your favorite holiday? my birthday
17.  What do you like to take to bed with you at night? my ballerina bear
18.  What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? waffles
19.  What do you want for dinner on your birthday? hot dogs and Mema's cheese shells
20.  What do you want to be when you grow up? a ballerina